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Letter in Support of Specter-Harkin Amendment to Boost Health and Education
Allocation March 14, 2006
The undersigned organizations representing cancer patients, providers and researchers are writing to seek your support for the amendment offered by Senators Specter and Harkin to add $7 billion to the budget plan approved by the Senate Budget Committee. Absent Senate approval of the Specter-Harkin amendment, fiscal year 2007 appropriations for cancer and other biomedical research will be severely constrained, as will other health and education programs valued by the American people. At a time when we are beginning to reap the benefits of the Nation's investment in biomedical research, the proposed budget allocation will result in funding that is flat, or even reduced. The impact on programs of ongoing basic, translational and clinical research could be substantial. Failure to remedy this situation could have consequences for our progress against cancer and other life-threatening diseases well into the future. We urge you in the strongest possible terms to vote in favor of the Specter-Harkin amendment when it is presented to the Senate. Thank you for your attention to this important matter and for your continuing support for cancer research. Sincerely, Cancer Leadership
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