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D. Rockefeller Dear Senator Rockefeller: As you probably know, the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) has recently posted on its website a proposed new National Coverage Decision regarding coverage of patient care costs for Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in quality clinical trials. We speak for thousands of cancer survivors, providers and researchers in expressing our deep appreciation for your many years of support for our position on this issue. Without your steadfast support, this wonderful advance for both individual cancer patients and overall progress against cancer would not have occurred. At times, over the course of the past number of years, it has seemed as though we were in a losing fight, but your ongoing interest in the issue sustained our own energy and made us carry on. Now, our mutual success on this important issue has confirmed our joint efforts, and we have you and your colleagues in the Congress to thank for that. The next Congress holds many challenges for biomedical research generally and cancer specifically. We look forward to facing those challenges with your strong support both in the Congress and outside it. Cancer Leadership Council Alliance
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