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The Honorable Seema Verma Administrator Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20201 RE: CAG-00450R -- Proposed Decision Memo for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) for Medicare Beneficiaries with Advanced Cancer Dear Administrator Verma: The undersigned cancer patient, provider, and research organizations are writing to comment on the proposed decision memo for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) for Medicare beneficiaries. We are pleased that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) heard the concerns of patients and providers regarding limitations on germline testing in the initial coverage decision and has proposed revisions to the previously defined standards. We are aware that many other cancer organizations have offered comments on the proposed decision memo, in some cases providing cancer site-specific data about somatic and germline testing and its benefits. We support those efforts and offer our own collective views, reflecting the needs of all cancer patients. In addition, we understand the challenge that CMS faces, to ensure access to appropriate NGS testing that will provide patients and providers information to guide diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of treatment while at the same time protecting Medicare for future beneficiaries.
We recommend instead that MACs be given the authority to determine coverage for NGS for all patients with a cancer diagnosis, including those with breast or ovarian cancer.
We appreciate the willingness of CMS to consider and respond to input from cancer stakeholders regarding coverage of NGS technology. With the modifications of the coverage decision memo recommended above and by others in their comments to the agency, we believe that CMS can achieve an appropriate coverage standard for somatic and germline testing. Sincerely, Cancer Leadership Council American Society of Clinical Oncology Association for Molecular Pathology CancerCare Children’s Cancer Cause College of American Pathologists Fight Colorectal Cancer International Myeloma Foundation LUNGevity Foundation Lymphoma Research Foundation National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance Prevent Cancer Foundation Sarcoma Foundation of America Susan G. Komen Back to Medicare Payment Index About CLC
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