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CLC Urges Boost in FY 2009 Appropriations for NIH IDENTICAL LETTERS SENT TO HOUSE AND SENATE DEMOCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP AND CHAIRS AND RANKING MEMBERS OF APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEES AND LHHS SUBCOMMITTEES September 19, 2008 The Honorable Nancy Pelosi Dear Madam Speaker: The undersigned cancer patient advocate, provider, and research organizations write to urge you to provide $30.88 billion for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the FY 2009 Continuing Resolution to be considered later this month. This bold appropriation for NIH would reverse the five-year stagnation in NIH funding and would provide the potential to re-invigorate the cancer research program. Funding at this level would be consistent with the recommendations of the House Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Subcommittee ($30.38 billion for NIH in FY 2009) and Senate Appropriations Committee ($500 million in additional funds in the FY 2008 Second Supplemental). Appropriations of this magnitude would boost the percentage of promising investigator-initiated grants that could be funded and strengthen the clinical trials infrastructure necessary for the translation of basic cancer research findings into new treatments. Progress in cancer treatment has traditionally depended on a series of small research advances that can only be achieved with reliable and predictable funding. We urge you to address this need by providing $30.88 billion for NIH in the FY 2009 Continuing Resolution. Sincerely, Cancer Leadership Council American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network About
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